【Auction #02】
Tjerk Reijenga / Pilastro Easy Chair Model 8000

出品者:佐藤達郎 / 株式会社デルフォニックス代表 兼デザインディレクター

¥180,000 〜(税込)



幅740×奥行550×高さ635、座高350 (mm)


佐藤達郎出品者:佐藤達郎 / 株式会社デルフォニックス代表 兼デザインディレクターステーショナリーメーカー「DELFONICS」の代表兼デザインディレクター。学生時代は音楽に没頭するもアンティークやグラフィカルなデザイン小物に魅かれ、趣味が高じてDELFONICSを設立。文具・雑貨のセレクトショップ「DELFONICS」「Smith」を国内とパリ ルーヴルにて展開。商品からショッププロデュースまで全てのデザインディレクションに関わるほか、ビンテージアイテムの買付までこなす。近年は外部のオフィスロビーや住宅などの空間デザインも手がける。

Representative and design director of the stationery maker "DELFONICS." During his student days, he was deeply immersed in music. However, he was also fascinated by antiques and graphical design accessories. Eventually, his hobby evolved into founding DELFONICS. He operates select stationery and miscellaneous goods shops, "DELFONICS" and "Smith," both domestically and in the Louvre area of Paris. He is involved in all aspects of design direction, from product design to shop curation, and even handles the procurement of vintage items. In recent years, he has also been involved in designing spaces such as office lobbies and residences.


Twenty-some years ago, when a friend of mine who lived in the southern part of the Netherlands got married, I visited the couple with a bottle of wine in hand. The easy chair designed by Tjerk Reijenga that I found in their vintage warehouse which is their hobby. It's a low chair that instantly invites relaxation as soon as you sit down, thanks to the comfortably wide armrests that snugly fit your arms. The low centre of gravity and timeless stability of its form blend seamlessly into any space, exuding a sense of familiarity and tranquillity as if it has always belonged there. The more you sit in it, the more attachment you develop to it.

*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:
- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.
- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.

【Auction #02】Tjerk Reijenga / Pilastro Easy Chair Model 8000
【Auction #02】Tjerk Reijenga / Pilastro Easy Chair Model 8000
¥180,000 〜
<img class="profile_photo" src="/images/item_page/prof_sato_tatsuro.jpg" alt="佐藤達郎"><span class="with_photo"><em class="profile_name">出品者:佐藤達郎 / 株式会社デルフォニックス代表 兼デザインディレクター</em>ステーショナリーメーカー「DELFONICS」の代表兼デザインディレクター。学生時代は音楽に没頭するもアンティークやグラフィカルなデザイン小物に魅かれ、趣味が高じてDELFONICSを設立。文具・雑貨のセレクトショップ「DELFONICS」「Smith」を国内とパリ ルーヴルにて展開。商品からショッププロデュースまで全てのデザインディレクションに関わるほか、ビンテージアイテムの買付までこなす。近年は外部のオフィスロビーや住宅などの空間デザインも手がける。<br><br>Representative and design director of the stationery maker "DELFONICS." During his student days, he was deeply immersed in music. However, he was also fascinated by antiques and graphical design accessories. Eventually, his hobby evolved into founding DELFONICS. He operates select stationery and miscellaneous goods shops, "DELFONICS" and "Smith," both domestically and in the Louvre area of Paris. He is involved in all aspects of design direction, from product design to shop curation, and even handles the procurement of vintage items. In recent years, he has also been involved in designing spaces such as office lobbies and residences.</span></p><p class="clear pt20"><em class="profile_name">出品者の想い</em>二十数年前、オランダ南部に住む友人が結婚して、夫妻の元をワイン片手に訪ねたときのこと。彼らの趣味のビンテージ倉庫で見つけた、「ティヤーク・リェンネハ」がデザインしたイージーチェア。幅広アームレストの形が心地よく腕に収まり、腰掛けたとたんリラックスに誘い込まれるローチェアです。重心が低く、飽きのこない安定のフォルムはどこに置いてもその場に溶け込み、まるで昔からそこにあったかのような安心感と落ち着きを見せます。座りこなせばこなすほど愛着も湧きます。<br><br>Twenty-some years ago, when a friend of mine who lived in the southern part of the Netherlands got married, I visited the couple with a bottle of wine in hand. The easy chair designed by Tjerk Reijenga that I found in their vintage warehouse which is their hobby. It's a low chair that instantly invites relaxation as soon as you sit down, thanks to the comfortably wide armrests that snugly fit your arms. The low centre of gravity and timeless stability of its form blend seamlessly into any space, exuding a sense of familiarity and tranquillity as if it has always belonged there. The more you sit in it, the more attachment you develop to it.</p></p><br><br><font color=#00449b>*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:<br>- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.<br>- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.</font>
<img class="profile_photo" src="/images/item_page/prof_sato_tatsuro.jpg" alt="佐藤達郎"><span class="with_photo"><em class="profile_name">出品者:佐藤達郎 / 株式会社デルフォニックス代表 兼デザインディレクター</em>ステーショナリーメーカー「DELFONICS」の代表兼デザインディレクター。学生時代は音楽に没頭するもアンティークやグラフィカルなデザイン小物に魅かれ、趣味が高じてDELFONICSを設立。文具・雑貨のセレクトショップ「DELFONICS」「Smith」を国内とパリ ルーヴルにて展開。商品からショッププロデュースまで全てのデザインディレクションに関わるほか、ビンテージアイテムの買付までこなす。近年は外部のオフィスロビーや住宅などの空間デザインも手がける。<br><br>Representative and design director of the stationery maker "DELFONICS." During his student days, he was deeply immersed in music. However, he was also fascinated by antiques and graphical design accessories. Eventually, his hobby evolved into founding DELFONICS. He operates select stationery and miscellaneous goods shops, "DELFONICS" and "Smith," both domestically and in the Louvre area of Paris. He is involved in all aspects of design direction, from product design to shop curation, and even handles the procurement of vintage items. In recent years, he has also been involved in designing spaces such as office lobbies and residences.</span></p><p class="clear pt20"><em class="profile_name">出品者の想い</em>二十数年前、オランダ南部に住む友人が結婚して、夫妻の元をワイン片手に訪ねたときのこと。彼らの趣味のビンテージ倉庫で見つけた、「ティヤーク・リェンネハ」がデザインしたイージーチェア。幅広アームレストの形が心地よく腕に収まり、腰掛けたとたんリラックスに誘い込まれるローチェアです。重心が低く、飽きのこない安定のフォルムはどこに置いてもその場に溶け込み、まるで昔からそこにあったかのような安心感と落ち着きを見せます。座りこなせばこなすほど愛着も湧きます。<br><br>Twenty-some years ago, when a friend of mine who lived in the southern part of the Netherlands got married, I visited the couple with a bottle of wine in hand. The easy chair designed by Tjerk Reijenga that I found in their vintage warehouse which is their hobby. It's a low chair that instantly invites relaxation as soon as you sit down, thanks to the comfortably wide armrests that snugly fit your arms. The low centre of gravity and timeless stability of its form blend seamlessly into any space, exuding a sense of familiarity and tranquillity as if it has always belonged there. The more you sit in it, the more attachment you develop to it.</p></p><br><br><font color=#00449b>*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:<br>- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.<br>- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.</font>















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