【Auction #02】
Sven Palmqvist / “KRAKA” Unique Piece

出品者:吉田安成 / ELEPHANT 店主

¥200,000 〜(税込)



直径19.2×高さ7.3 (cm)


吉田安成出品者:吉田安成 / ELEPHANT 店主大学では建築を専攻、独学でグラフィックデザインを学び、広告制作会社にてグラフィックデザイナーとして勤務。退社後、2006年にヴィンテージの北欧モダンデザインを専門に取り扱うオンラインショップ ELEPHANTをスタートする。その後、2008年にELEPHANTの世界観をより明確に発信できる場として表参道裏に実店舗をオープン。

He majored in architecture at university, and learned graphic design on his own. Later he worked as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. After leaving the company, started an online shop called ELEPHANT in 2006, specializing in vintage Nordic modern design. Afterwards, in 2008, he opened a physical store in the backstreets of Omotesando as a space to better convey the aesthetic of ELEPHANT.

出品者の想い1944年にSven Palmqvistにより開発されたKRAKA技法を用い、1950年に製造されたユニークピース。この技法は、被せガラスの表面に目の細かい網をかぶせ、サンドブラストをかけ、その後、器を再加熱しフォルムを整えると、気泡がガラス器に封じ込められます。

A unique piece manufactured in 1950 using the KRAKA technique developed by Sven Palmqvist in 1944. This technique involves covering the surface of overlaid glass with a fine mesh, blasting it with sand, and then reheating the vessel to shape it, thereby trapping bubbles within the glassware.
"KRAKA" is the name of a princess from Norse mythology. According to the legend, when she was tested for her wit by a Viking hero who requested her presence without wearing a garment but also not undressed, she appeared wearing a fishing net.
It is a mysterious and elegant piece with countless small bubbles trapped inside the glass, reminiscent of a beautiful princess glimpsed through a fishing net. The usual colours in the KRAKA series range from blue to yellow gradients, but this one is particularly rare as it is entirely yellow.
It captivated me at first sight, but due to its high price, I hesitated for about three years. However, I realized that I needed to trust my instincts and eventually acquired it. I decided to put this piece up for the auction with the hope that many people would have the opportunity to see it.

*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:
- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.
- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.

【Auction #02】Sven Palmqvist / “KRAKA” Unique Piece
【Auction #02】Sven Palmqvist / “KRAKA” Unique Piece
¥200,000 〜
<img class="profile_photo" src="/images/item_page/prof_yoshida_yasunari.jpg" alt="吉田安成"><span class="with_photo"><em class="profile_name">出品者:吉田安成 / ELEPHANT 店主</em>大学では建築を専攻、独学でグラフィックデザインを学び、広告制作会社にてグラフィックデザイナーとして勤務。退社後、2006年にヴィンテージの北欧モダンデザインを専門に取り扱うオンラインショップ ELEPHANTをスタートする。その後、2008年にELEPHANTの世界観をより明確に発信できる場として表参道裏に実店舗をオープン。<br><br>He majored in architecture at university, and learned graphic design on his own. Later he worked as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. After leaving the company, started an online shop called ELEPHANT in 2006, specializing in vintage Nordic modern design. Afterwards, in 2008, he opened a physical store in the backstreets of Omotesando as a space to better convey the aesthetic of ELEPHANT.</span></p><p class="clear pt20"><em class="profile_name">出品者の想い</em>1944年にSven Palmqvistにより開発されたKRAKA技法を用い、1950年に製造されたユニークピース。この技法は、被せガラスの表面に目の細かい網をかぶせ、サンドブラストをかけ、その後、器を再加熱しフォルムを整えると、気泡がガラス器に封じ込められます。<br>KRAKAとは、北欧神話に登場する王女の名前で、彼女は、ヴァイキングの英雄から「衣服を纏うでもなく纏わずでもなく」彼の元に来るようにと知恵を試された際に魚網を身につけ現れました。網の目から覗く美しい王女のような、無数の小さな気泡がガラスの中に封じ込まれた神秘的で気品溢れる作品です。通常のKRAKAシリーズの色は、青から黄色のグラデーションですが、こちらはかなり珍しい黄色のみとなります。<br>初見で魅了されたものの、高価だったこともあり3年ほど躊躇しましたが、自分の感覚に素直にならないとなと手に入れたものです。今回オークションに参加するにあたり、この作品をたくさんの方に見ていただけたらなと思い出品しました。<br><br>A unique piece manufactured in 1950 using the KRAKA technique developed by Sven Palmqvist in 1944. This technique involves covering the surface of overlaid glass with a fine mesh, blasting it with sand, and then reheating the vessel to shape it, thereby trapping bubbles within the glassware. <br>"KRAKA" is the name of a princess from Norse mythology. According to the legend, when she was tested for her wit by a Viking hero who requested her presence without wearing a garment but also not undressed, she appeared wearing a fishing net. <br>It is a mysterious and elegant piece with countless small bubbles trapped inside the glass, reminiscent of a beautiful princess glimpsed through a fishing net. The usual colours in the KRAKA series range from blue to yellow gradients, but this one is particularly rare as it is entirely yellow. <br>It captivated me at first sight, but due to its high price, I hesitated for about three years. However, I realized that I needed to trust my instincts and eventually acquired it. I decided to put this piece up for the auction with the hope that many people would have the opportunity to see it.</p></p><br><br><font color=#00449b>*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:<br>- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.<br>- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.</font>
<img class="profile_photo" src="/images/item_page/prof_yoshida_yasunari.jpg" alt="吉田安成"><span class="with_photo"><em class="profile_name">出品者:吉田安成 / ELEPHANT 店主</em>大学では建築を専攻、独学でグラフィックデザインを学び、広告制作会社にてグラフィックデザイナーとして勤務。退社後、2006年にヴィンテージの北欧モダンデザインを専門に取り扱うオンラインショップ ELEPHANTをスタートする。その後、2008年にELEPHANTの世界観をより明確に発信できる場として表参道裏に実店舗をオープン。<br><br>He majored in architecture at university, and learned graphic design on his own. Later he worked as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. After leaving the company, started an online shop called ELEPHANT in 2006, specializing in vintage Nordic modern design. Afterwards, in 2008, he opened a physical store in the backstreets of Omotesando as a space to better convey the aesthetic of ELEPHANT.</span></p><p class="clear pt20"><em class="profile_name">出品者の想い</em>1944年にSven Palmqvistにより開発されたKRAKA技法を用い、1950年に製造されたユニークピース。この技法は、被せガラスの表面に目の細かい網をかぶせ、サンドブラストをかけ、その後、器を再加熱しフォルムを整えると、気泡がガラス器に封じ込められます。<br>KRAKAとは、北欧神話に登場する王女の名前で、彼女は、ヴァイキングの英雄から「衣服を纏うでもなく纏わずでもなく」彼の元に来るようにと知恵を試された際に魚網を身につけ現れました。網の目から覗く美しい王女のような、無数の小さな気泡がガラスの中に封じ込まれた神秘的で気品溢れる作品です。通常のKRAKAシリーズの色は、青から黄色のグラデーションですが、こちらはかなり珍しい黄色のみとなります。<br>初見で魅了されたものの、高価だったこともあり3年ほど躊躇しましたが、自分の感覚に素直にならないとなと手に入れたものです。今回オークションに参加するにあたり、この作品をたくさんの方に見ていただけたらなと思い出品しました。<br><br>A unique piece manufactured in 1950 using the KRAKA technique developed by Sven Palmqvist in 1944. This technique involves covering the surface of overlaid glass with a fine mesh, blasting it with sand, and then reheating the vessel to shape it, thereby trapping bubbles within the glassware. <br>"KRAKA" is the name of a princess from Norse mythology. According to the legend, when she was tested for her wit by a Viking hero who requested her presence without wearing a garment but also not undressed, she appeared wearing a fishing net. <br>It is a mysterious and elegant piece with countless small bubbles trapped inside the glass, reminiscent of a beautiful princess glimpsed through a fishing net. The usual colours in the KRAKA series range from blue to yellow gradients, but this one is particularly rare as it is entirely yellow. <br>It captivated me at first sight, but due to its high price, I hesitated for about three years. However, I realized that I needed to trust my instincts and eventually acquired it. I decided to put this piece up for the auction with the hope that many people would have the opportunity to see it.</p></p><br><br><font color=#00449b>*We would like to ask for your understanding on the following conditions to take part in the auction:<br>- All communications will be in Japanese including enquiries and documents related to terms and conditions.<br>- Shipments to addresses within Japan only.</font>















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